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"Festive Timer" is an engaging front-end project designed to bring the global celebration of New Year's Eve to life. At its core, the project features an interactive map on the homepage that dynamically updates a countdown timer based on various time zones around the world. This real-time timer serves as a captivating focal point, showcasing the time remaining until New Year's in different regions. Moreover, "Festive Timer" extends its charm through dedicated pages for different countries. Each country-specific page not only displays a countdown timer tailored to that particular timezone but also provides users with intriguing facts about how the country celebrates New Year's Eve. Additionally, users can explore recommended places within these countries where the New Year's festivities are particularly vibrant and memorable. By blending an interactive map with dynamic timers and rich cultural insights, "Festive Timer" offers users an immersive and educational experience, inviting them to explore and celebrate the diverse ways people welcome the New Year around the globe.

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 5, JavaScript

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Welcome to Loading 2024, your go-to destination for ringing in the new year with style and excitement! As the clock ticks down to midnight, join us on a virtual journey filled with anticipation, joy, and the thrill of a fresh start. Our app is designed to make your New Year's Eve memorable, providing real-time countdowns, vibrant visuals, and a festive atmosphere that will get you in the celebratory spirit. Whether you're counting down with friends and family or embracing the moment solo, our app is your companion for the final seconds of the year. Get ready to bid farewell to the past and welcome the future with open arms.

JavaScript, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap

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"Be a Santa" is a unique virtual gift exchange platform that brings the joy of giving to users around the world. This innovative platform allows users to play the role of Santa by sending virtual gifts to anyone, regardless of geographical boundaries. Users can embrace the spirit of generosity and surprise strangers with thoughtful and heartwarming virtual gifts.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

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Seasoned Greetings - Find a tried and true recipe, or give something new a taste this holiday season! All the best recipes for your holiday feast!

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, GitHub, GitPod, VSCode, API

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Zenbot: A Serene Haven for Men's Mental Health...

HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, OpenAI API (gpt-3.5-turbo), Bootstrap v4.6, Vercel