Team: Prideful Pixels

About the team

mia rasmussen
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Kayla Smith
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Josip Potnar
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Maarten Ridder
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Chris Niblock
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Project: Chronicles of Pride

Project Image


Prideful Pixels unveils Chronicals of Pride, a walk through history of the LGBTQIA+ movement and a platform to bring people from the community as well as those outside it together. Chronicals of Pride is primarily an educational platform that showcases more than a century of the important milestones for the LGBTQIA+ community. The interactive timeline provides a journey through the community's history enabling visitors to follow the development of the movement from the past decades to today. Users can access the blog section to share personal stories, support and comments, while the flashcards can answer pertinent questions inquiring minds might have. Site visitors can contact Prideful Pixels and share their own story or questions by submitting a contact form, anonymously if they so choose, to the admin team. At the same time, we make the latest global news regarding the community easily available.

Technologies used

HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Bootstrap, Django, Mailtrap, Heroku, Git, Github
