Team: Pursuit of Tech Jobs

About the team

Hilla Muraja_5P
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Claudio Cruz
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Felipe Zanetti
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Florian Guldner
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Soundarya Kantimahanti
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Project: Happiness Unleashed

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Welcome to Happiness Unleashed, the app that spreads kindness through random acts! In our busy lives, it's easy to overlook the importance of considering others. While many of us desire to spread happiness and kindness, we often struggle to find the time or ideas to act on these intentions. It's not a lack of willingness but a lack of awareness, ideas, and reminders within our busy schedules. But what if there was an easy way to incorporate acts of kindness into our daily routines? We desire to inspire and involve users by suggesting simple acts of kindness that can easily be blended into everyday lives. Whether complimenting a stranger, helping a neighbor, or simply smiling at someone, our app provides the gentle nudge to spread happiness wherever you go. Together, let's unleash a wave of happiness and countless smiles around the globe! Join us on this journey in spreading smiles and making the world a happier place, one kind act at a time!

Technologies used

HTML, CSS, python, JavaScript, Django, Bootstrap
