Team: Broke Busters
About the team
Adam Boley
Andrés Felipe García Cano
Destan Tezel
Oluwaseun Omisakin
Rhys Few
Project: Penny Smart
Penny Smart is an application that allows its users to set savings goals and guides them towards making better financial decisions in little more fun and quirky way.
The application starts with a quick personality test that identifies areas of habitual spending that are often overlooked. By drawing attention to these areas, Penny Smart aims to help users realize that small, yet consistent savings can help them reach their financial goals. The application uses JavaScript functions to randomize a user-specific "lifestyle-change" suggestion based on their spending.
Additionally, an API has been incorporated into the application to provide real-time exchange rates for the user's chosen currency.
Technologies used
HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Materialize
Code / Deployement
GitHub Repo:
Deployed at: